4th Child of George Burgess (1829-1905) and His 2nd Wife Eliza Knight (1844-1878)
4th Child - Maud Lilley Burgess (1875-1962).
Maud Lilley Burgess, the fourth daughter of George Burgess and Eliza Knight was born on 11th December 1875. Maud Lilley Burgess married Albert Thomas Arthur Stickler (grandson of Thomas Arthur VC) on 4th February 1906 in Bristol. She emigrated to Australia with her husband Albert Thomas Arthur Stickler and son Harold Thomas Arthur Stickler on the SS Rippingham-Grange on 28th August 1909. Her second son Donald Arthur Stickler was born on 22nd June 1911. Albert Stickler was killed by a Crocodile while washing (bathing) himself after helping the Station Butcher.
After her husbands death she stayed at Einsley sheep and cattle station with her children and took the position of 'House Keeper', and had a Black Nanny to look after the children.
She met Arthur Darlington Bryer while working at the Station and married him on 24th March 1913. They left the West and went to Gladstone, Bundaberg, on the Queensland Coast to let the boys go to school. Gradually they settled in Brisbane. By 1958, because her second husband (Arthur Bryer) was often in and out of hospital with a bad leg, Maud was often on her own, and couldn't look after herself. Therefore by September of that year she was permanently living with her son's family at Roghan Road, Fillmere, Australia.
Also see the Australian Stickler Family History for related documents for Maud Lilley Burgess.
Letters From Australia
Below are two letters from Queensland, Australia to Bristol England - Between sisters, Maud Lilly Burgess (Mrs Bryer, Australia) and Gertrude Rosa Burgess (Mrs Pratt, England):-
1st letter dated 19th September 1958 written on behalf of Mrs Bryer to her sister Mrs Pratt
2nd letter dated 15th December 1958 from Arthur Bryer to Edward William Burgess Baglin (Ted) sending his sympathies for the loss of Ted's mother (Mrs Pratt), who died 29th November that year.

Letter dated 19th September 1958 from Maud Lilly Burgess (Mrs Bryer) in Australia to her sister Gertrude Rosa Burgess (Mrs Pratt) in Bristol, England.

Letter dated 15th December 1958 from Arthur Bryer in Australia to Edward William Burgess Baglin, so of Gertrude Rosa Burgess (Mrs Pratt) in Bristol, England.