Salvation Army Family Photos
Staple Hill Salvation Army - Jenner Family Photos

Harvest Festival Staple Hill Salvation Army Arthur Edward England 4th from right
Home League day trip to Isle of Wight

Edith Jenner bottom row 2nd from Left
Home League
House upon bible - sep 1974

Ladies of the year - Eva (front row 3rd from right)
Ladies of the year & lady of the year girls infront
Ladies of the year (Eva front row, 3rd from right)
Ladies of the year (Eva on far left)
Lady of the year (Eva in wheel chair)
Lady of the year (Fishponds to Shortwood procession)
Lady of the year 1964
Lady of the year 1974 (Eva, front row 4th from left)
Lady of the year 1974 (Mrs Shopland)
Lady of the year from Fishponds to Shortwood procession
Lady of the year procession Fishponds to Shortwood
Lady of the year procession from Fishponds to Shortwood

Lillian Maud England (Jenner) leader of bible class
Over 60s choir & forget-me-not club
Over 60s choir waiting for transport home

Salvation Army Weston-Super-Mare Citadel Corp of Guards (Jenner)
Salvation Army (presentation of house upon bible)
Salvation Army (Staple Hill catering staff)
Salvation Army (Staple Hill hall)
Salvation Army after it was rebuilt

Salvation Army Bible class - Frederick Thomas Jenner & Russell Frederick Jenner
Salvation Army cadets (training college)

Salvation Army choir (singing outside Staple Hill Salvation Army Hall)
Salvation Army choir (Staple Hil, Bristol)
Salvation Army choir dressed in old times
Salvation Army choir singing outside Staple Hill Aalvation Army Hall
Salvation Army conference, Clevedon
Salvation Army crowning lady of the year
Salvation Army crowning of lady of the year

Salvation Army Eva Baglin 2nd from right front row

Salvation Army Evangelist (Envoy Cradle)
Salvation Army Fishponds corp (Grace Jenner & Carrie)
Salvation Army from America
Salvation Army from Amsterdam
Salvation Army from Czechosiovakia

Salvation Army Guards - Florence Eveline Jenner (right), Edith Jenner (left)

Salvation Army Hall, Staple Hill before being rebuilt 1970's

Salvation Army Home League Retirement - Florence Eveline Jenner (far Right)
Salvation Army leader of Young People Corp- Florence Eveline Jenner (center front)
Salvation Army Major & Mrs Rich (end of ww2)
Salvation Army officers Major & Mrs Rich
Eva Baglin (Florence Eveline Jenner) Salvation Army retirement from catering
Salvation Army songsters
Salvation Army Staple Hill choir

Salvation Army Staple Hill corp of guards (Jenner)
Salvation Army Staple Hill songsters
Salvation Army, Centenary singing brigade 1928-9
Salvation Army, Kingswood (Jenner)

Salvation Army, Staple Hill Over 60s Choir & Forget-Me-Not club
Salvation Army, Staple Hill singing company (June 1929)

Salvation Army Centenary Singing Brigade 1928


Salvation Army Staple Hill Singing company; June 1929 - brother and sister bottom row, Leader

Salvation Army Staple Hill Songsters; Jenner, sisters, bottom row - Lillian Maud Jenner
Singers leader-1967 win home league efficiency banner

Singers leader-1967 win home league efficiency banner

Staple Hill Salvation Army Corps on Rodway Hill