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Genealogy web resources
Free Personal Genealogy websites
Genealogy Websites
AI Genealogical Research: Using AI for Genealogical Research.
Ancestry (Family Trees) An excellent service by, online use of an easy to use and effective free family tree creator; which for anyone new to family research is an excellent place to start.
Bristol & Avon Family History Society Bristol and Avon Family History Society - information for genealogists and local historians including South Gloucestershire Burial Index, parish records, monumental inscriptions, burgesses and much more
British and European Peerage Comprehensive and free Surname Index to look up your family name on the family peerage of British and European Royal Families.
Dynamic Family Tree Compiler The DftCom2 compiler is a MS Windows program which converts a single Gedcom file to the set of files required to implement a Dynamic Family Tree.
Familypedia Free cooperative site with easy wiki software for adding relatives' pages in any desired format and linking to all relevant pages.
Family Records Search Resources in Europe Guide to help people who are getting started in tracing their European roots, with resources for each country to help with their search.
Family Search Full and Free access to what is undoubtedly the largest family tree in the world; the Mormons project which has been in existence long before computers. I have used their records many times over the years when doing family research, and with a direct link from RootsMagic a database I now frequently use. It works very much like the Ancestry website but without any subscriptions to pay.
FreeBMD FreeBMD is an ongoing project, the aim of which is to transcribe the Civil Registration index of births, marriages and deaths for England and Wales, and to provide free Internet access to the transcribed records. It is a part of the FreeUKGEN family.
Free Family Tree Templates Blank Family Tree Templates in PDF format that can be printed-out and used to create your own personal family tree.
From Ancestry to Archives How Libraries Are Revolutionizing Family Tree Research
Genealogy on Wikipedia Useful tips and information on Genealogy and good advice on how-to do your family history research.
Genealogy Search A free website providing links to useful resources for genealogy research online including links to 1000s of free web resources.
Genforum Excellent genealogy research and forum tool.
GENUKI UK and Ireland Genealogy - A Guide to Getting Started in Genealogy and Family History.
Gloucestershire Genealogy Parish Records, War Memorials and more.
Historical Directories Digital collection of eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth-century local and trade directories from England and Wales.
The Proceedings of the Old Bailey, London 1674 to 1834 A fully searchable edition of the largest body of texts detailing the lives of non-elite people ever published, containing 197,745 criminal trials held at London's central criminal court.
The Victorian Web Victorian Literature, history and culture.
Traditional German Clothing and Your German Heritage About traditional German clothing that is also is filled with resources to trace your German heritage
Unlock My Past Photo Scanning, Video Transfers, Family History Search and other genealogy services. It's not a free service but it does offer a personal service at reasonable rates, which some may find invaluable for compiling a comprehensive media reach family history as part of their genealogy research.
Free Personal Genealogy websites
Attfield Family Tree Attfield and many more families 1000s of names, 100s of surnames.
Ferdinand(o) Family History Ferdinand and Ferdinando One Name Website
Hanks Family History Hanks One Name Website
My Tribes Family Tree Relevant Names includes Evans, Stickler, Judd etc. Links to the Stickler family on Nathanville.
Roy Parkhouse's Genealogy Parkhouse, Bass, Oak, Crosse etc. 1000s of names, 100s of surnames.
Susie's Family Tree Baglin and many more families Links to the Baglin family on Nathanville; the site also has many other 'Inter-related Families from England, UK.
The Bingham Line Bingham One Name Website
The Templer Family One Name website. The Templer Family from Somerset, Devon & Dorset.
The Tilbury Family Tilbury, Chapman, Jennings, Fuller, Taylor etc. 1000s of names, 100s of surnames.
The Tilbury and Bone Family Tilbury, Bone etc. Links with the Nathanville family tree.
Those Before Oaten, Nicholson, Darby Stickler etc. Family History by Tim Hill