Diary of Grace Russ (1933-2006)

The Slippery Surface

Spent yesterday very leisurely, though I did hoover throughout, and washed AND Polished the kitchen floor. This was a mistake however as the animals have never been used to a polished surface before and poor Tipsy in particular found it very difficult to keep his balance. Even Sheba kept losing her footing and all in all it has made them feel most insecure! It did look so nice too, with the sun shining through the open door and cabinet and cupboard reflected in the shining surface… Ah! Well!

Listened to the play on the World Service in the afternoon and by doing so managed to miss the play on Radio 4! Just wasn’t my day. Took Sheba for a walk to the Fossdene Shop at 8:30 and bought myself an ice cream. Listened to Mozart and Beethoven whilst reading my latest club book. Went to bed 11:30ish.

I had set the alarm for 6.am but didn’t get up until 7:30 – then fed the animals and had a bath. Joanna came for Sheba at 8.am. I was still wrapped in my towels then but managed to get the 8:44 Charing Cross train, arriving at London Bridge at 9.am. Instead of changing to a Cannon Street train I got a 43 bus from London Bridge to Moorgate, and was fascinated as we crossed the bridge to see all the rush hour hoards moving along en masse like a lot of ants. The majority of the men, surprisingly, in dark City suits’ with brief case and brolly, though a few of the younger element were attired in brown, fawn, blue and grey suits. The women, however, were all in summer dresses, skirts and blouses or pretty brightly coloured trousers with gay tops. No sign of umbrellas there, and the forecast is for “Thundery Rain”. Does that mean the men are more insecure? - Or just more practical?

Had a lovely Florida Salad for lunch from the Buttery – only £1.20 and so much of it – Am feeling quite full. The rain has arrived – in torrents…and I only have my slippers to wear home! Posted letter to Richard, and feel bad at the way I let him down when he was in hospital. Hope he is all right. Also wrote to Lily who advertised in last week’s Mercury for a Pen Pal in Deptford. Wonder if Charlton will quality? It is just along the road after all. Had a late telex to Kirpalani, Suriname, so it was 5:45 when I left to go the cleaning job. Called in at Meg’s, left at 10:45. Fed animals, made cup of tea and listened to Beethoven, so very restful and yet invigorating at one and the same time. Life is such a paradox.

Cats still sliding and slipping all over the kitchen floor but appear to have got their sea legs now and are taking it in their stride, even poor Tipsy who hasn’t got the best balance even when things are normal, but it is simply amazing how well he adapts and copes with life - He is a fighter. Discovered I’d left the bedroom window wide open and the bottom of the curtains all wet – still, the bed seems ok.

Grace Russ - 17th May 1982


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