Oaten Family Photos
(with thanks from Gordon Oaten and others who have contributed to this research)

Annie Chappel born 1889

Bartlett Family 1917 - Emma Jane Trapnell with her husband (Bartlett), children and spouses and grandchildren

Angela Sept 1940

Earnest Walter Oaten (1875-1952)

Edna English, youngest daughter of James (Carter English) and Emma Oaten

Edward Farley Oaten 1906

Edwin Chappell born 2 June 1861

Eliza Draper (Oaten 1838-1910) and 3rd son

Eliza Draper (Oaten 1838-1910)

Eliza Draper (Oaten) 1838-1910

Elizabeth Ada Chappell born 1872

Elizabeth Clark and Arthur Chappell married 1900 with four of their children

Elizabeth Clark and Arthur Chappell married 1900


Ellen Grace Draper 1841

Emma Oaten (born 1871), wife of James (Carter English)

Florence Rosina Larence (1887-1964) with grandchildren Barry and Eric Bray

George Thomas Trapnell and Maria Oaten married 1860

Harriet, Henry, Louisa, Frederick Chappell 1947

Henry Oaten (born 1834)

Henry Robert Oaten (1870-1961) and Florence Farler (1875-1963) their retirement1956, Bristol pub (The Railroad Tavern), Dings area of St Phillips

Herbert and Frederick Draper 1870

James (Carter English), wife Emma Oaten and children Albert and Ada

James Chappell and Hilda Johnson wedding - family group 1931

John OATEN 1837
John Robert OATEN

Minnie Chappell born 29 July 1881

Minnie Chappell, Harriet Oaten, Ada's daughter Annie, Edwin and Ada Chappell, circa 1910

Percy Gladstone OATEN 1899

Robert Sydney OATEN

Sydney George OATEN born 1881, Mary Drayton (wife), Phyllis Muriel Oaten, servant and dog

The Cane family_ William and Elizabeth Cane and six of their sons

Thomas Bell Draper 1838-1905

Thomas John OATEN (born 1904) with brother Ernest sitting (born 1900)

William Charles Luxton Oaten born 26 jan 1919, soldier in WWII
