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Pollie says β€œshe does not agree with us in saying that the mouth can express anything; it can express grief or pleasure, but not love.” - Then she does not know what the sweet smile of love is. POLLIE looks only to the eyes for love! How easily she must be deceived! A young artist once determined to try if he could make a likeness of a lady from memory; he looked, he watched, he followed her with his eyes everywhere. He was observed by all the ladies, and set down as an ardent lover. The young lady herself became excited and his passion was the talk of the neighbourhood before he heard of it. At last, the cat came out of the bag; he had betted that he would catch her likeness from memory; he was merely studying her! There was no love in the case. Ladies mistake intense looking for love.


One Way and The Other & The Greatest Seminary


Reveries of a Maiden Lady