Frederick Thomas Jenner (1877-1954)
Son of Thomas Jenner & Eliza Mabbs, and Father to Florence Eveline Jenner (1901-1994)
Frederick Thomas Jenner (1877-1954) & Lillian Maud England (1879-1958)
Frederick Thomas Jenner (the son of Thomas Jenner) was born on 13th October 1877 at Tidebrook, Wadhurst, Sussex and later moved to Mayfield, Kent. He started his adult life as a Salvation Army Officer, but as he was not earning enough money became a Miner.
He married Lillian Maud England and they lived at Stapleton Road, Bristol, where their first child, Florence Evelyn Jenner was born. They later moved to Abertillary and Crumlin, Wales, where (before the first world war) they had a further five children.
At the start of the 1st world war Frederick volunteered for the Armed Forces, which he needn't have done as he was in a reserved occupation which would have exempted him from active service had he chosen not to volunteer, and according to his daughter (Florence Jenner) his wife was not too pleased with him going.
The reason for him volunteering is unclear, because according to what is understood in the family, he was (at heart) a ‘Conscientious Objector’, which may explain his role in the Armed Services. He was away from home for five years and his job in the army was to drive ambulances to the front lines to pick up the wounded. After the war ended he settled back into civilian life and the family moved back to Bristol, where he became a Painter and Decorator, and where they had another two children, Arthur and Kenneth Jenner.
On moving back to Bristol they first moved to 39 Ashley Road, then Thicket Avenue and then onto Ridgeway Avenue, Bristol. They then settled at 'The Haven', Middle Road, Staple Hill, Bristol, from where their children married. Lillian and Frederick retired to 10 West Park Road, Downend, Bristol, but later moved to 35 Hillside Drive, Pontypool, Monmouthshire, where in 1954 he died.

Left to Right: Sarah Jane England (grandmother), Florence Eveline Jenner (daughter), Lillian Maud England (mother) with Russell Frederick Jenner (her son in her lap), Lillian Maud Jenner (daughter) standing in front of Frederick Thomas Jenner (father), and Russell England Lanham at the back (a cousin who was brought up by Lillian Maud England).

Left Top - Lillian Maud Jenner, and in her lap, Edith Louisa Jenner. Back row 2nd from left, Russell Jenner; back middle, Florence Eveline Jenner. Front middle, Grace Jenner; back row, 2nd from right, Lillian Jenner. Right Top - Frederick Thomas Jenner, and in his lap, William Jenner.
Frederick Thomas Jenner's home in Mayfield, Kent

Frederick Thomas Jenner, as driver -Collieries Association

Frederick Thomas Jenner in WW1 (front row, 2nd from left)

Frederick Thomas Jenner (1877-1954)