British Possessions on the Continent of America
The area of the British possessions on the continent of America is as follows: -
Canada, 210,020 square miles;
New Brunswick, 27,105;
Nova Scotia, 18,671;
Prince Edward’s Island, 2,173;
Newfoundland, 40,200;
British Columbia, 200,000;
Vancouver’s Island, 14,000;
Territory of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 2,500,000:
Total 3,012,169 square miles. The area of the United States is given by good authorities at 3,250,000 square miles.
A vagabond, who had been noisy, was up before a police-magistrate. His worship told him to pay forty shillings for his fine.
“C-c-c-can’t do it,” muttered he; “a-a-ain’t got the p-p-p-pewter.” –
“Are you a married man?” inquired the magistrate. –
“N-n-n-not exactly so f-f-far gone yet, sir.” –
“Well, I shall have to send you to prison.” –
“T-t-t-tain’t nuthin’ tu g-g-go there,” said Alick; “b-b-but when you t-t-talked about m-m-marriage, old fellow, you f-f-frightened me!”
Diary of John Adams (1735-1826)
Second President of the United States of America
…. John Adams, the second President of the United States, was a practical business man and a careful husbander of time. The following entry appears in his diary recently published: -
“Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, all spent in absolute idleness, or which is worse, gallanting girls.”
Pride of Ancestry
Rev E Chapin
19th Century Newspaper Quote from a Speech at the Universalist Festival in Boston, America. Edwin Hubbell Chapin (1814–1880) American preacher and editor of the Christian Leader.
…. Rev. E. Chapin, in a speech made at the Universalist Festival of Boston, said that “the best piece of spring work that could be done, would be to take some of our living politicians and plough them in, and then take the ashes of the glorious dead ones and scatter there abroad as guano, in the bone of a better crop.”