
Household Waste in Victorian Britain

– Much waste is experienced in the boiling, &c., of meats. Unless watched, the cook will throw out the water without letting it cool to take off the fat, or scrape the dripping-pan into the swill-pail. This dripping is useful in many ways. It can be burned in lamps mixed with lard. When pork is boiled alone, it will do to fry cakes, if cleansed. Again, bits of meat are thrown out which would make hashed meat or hash. The flour is sifted in a wasteful manner, or the bread-pan left with dough sticking to it. Pie crust is left and laid by to sour, instead of making a few tarts for ten, &c. Cake batter is thrown out because but little is left. Cold puddings are considered good for nothing, when often they can be steamed for the next day, or, as in case of rice, made over in other forms. Vegetables are thrown away that would warm for breakfast nicely. Dish-towels are thrown down where mice can destroy them. Soap is left in water to dissolve, or more used than is necessary. If Bath brick, whiting*, rotten-stone, &c., are used, much is wasted uselessly. The scrub-brush is left in water, pails scorched by the stove, and tubs, &c., left in the sun to dry and fall apart.

*whiting - A pure white grade of chalk ground and washed for use in paints, ink, and putty.




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