

– It is not your neat dress, your expensive shawl, large hoops, or your pretty fingers that attract the attention of the men of sense. They look upon these. It is the true loveliness of your nature that wins and continues to retain the affections of the heart. Young ladies sadly miss it who strive to improve their outward looks, while they bestow not a thought on their mind. Fools may be won by gew-gaws and fashionable showy dresses, but the wise and substantial are never caught in such traps. Let modesty be your dress. Use pleasant and agreeable language, and though they may not be courted by fop and sot, the good and truly great will love to linger in your store.

  • gew-gaws (gewgaws) = Cheap showy jewellery or ornament on clothing.

  • fop = A man much concerned with his dress and appearance.

  • sot = Drunkard


Love the Beautifier


Ludicrous Anecdote