Diary of Florence Eveline Jenner (1933-2006) - aka Eva Baglin

Trip to Wales

As told by Florence Eveline Jenner (1901-1994):

After Grace was married Ted [Edward William Burgess Baglin] and I went back to Wales. He was wearing pinstriped trousers, black coat, and a hat, and I was wearing a new green coat, a bit flared, and a lovely velour hat - we looked real posh. Anyway, while we were there we went into a local fish & chips shop, we were the only ones there and ordered faggots and peas. Then other customers started to come in, they were all dressed in ordinary cloths. The funny thing was, is that we were given the VIP treatment, the faggots and peas were given to us on a saucer with a little spoon to eat it with Ted and I laughed about that for years after.


Grace Russ (daughter of Eva Baglin)


The Antics of Grand Pratt (Gertrude Rosa Burgess)